Well I can't believe it's five days to go before I go home! This month really has flown by and I've had the time of my life here - apart from a few hiccups that we've ironed out quite successfully! I've had a really fun couple of days with Uncle Dan - I always like it when it's just us. He gives me the attention I so crave and demands very little in return! This picture is one that he took of me this morning lying on the bed. He kept reading this book and ignoring me - so I decided to join in and read the book too!

When he was asleep, I did my concerned nurse impression and kept looking at him. Maybe a bit close I grant you that - because he opened his eyes at one point and jumped! Well I wanted to make sure that he didn't get poorly again! Anyhow Uncle Scotty made me jump today because he's normally out all day but suddenly appeared at the balcony door knocking! So obviously I barked and Uncle Dan came staggering out of his bedroom in a very bad mood and let him in. I think Uncle Scotty was poorly too because he didn't do much all day but just lay on the sofa and chatted to friends on Facebook.
Ooh! I forgot to say about our walk because I got distracted. Before he got poorly Uncle Dan kept laughing at me and telling me that when I walk I "prance" (whatever that means) and do a "catwalk"! So here's a video - draw your own conclusions. I think I have a rather sturdy gait actually. But can I help it if I know that I am gorgeous!?
I am hoping that the three Uncle's have got a leaving do planned for me! I am sure that the mechanics of this flat will ground to a halt after my departure! After all - who else guards the flat faithfully? Who else is the welcome party whenever the front door opens? I wonder what will be on the menu .... mmmm!
More tomorrow I hope (unless Uncle Dan is off to the gym!).
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